Practice Management

Task Team meeting

23 January 2020

The Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) would like to notify legal practitioners that its Conveyancing Task Team is meeting regularly and had its first meeting for 2020 on 16 January.

Risk Alert Bulletin - February 2020

30 January 2020

The Risk Alert Bulletin includes: Time to rethink and reassess the approach to risk management; a revised LPIIF risk assessment questionnaire; and being diligent.

Risk Alert Bulletin - COVID-19

19 March 2020

Risk Alert Bulletin 2 of 2020: The coronavirus pandemic: Risk management considerations for South African legal practitioners and suggestions as to what measures they can consider implementing.

COVID-19 Impact on the legal profession

16 April 2020

The LPC has published a draft document calling for thoughts on possible solutions or interventions to minimize the economic and financial impact of COVID-19 on the legal profession.

Comments from GAA on LPC document

23 April 2020

The Gauteng Attorneys Association has published a letter in reply to the LPC wanting possible solutions or interventions to minimize the economic and financial impact of COVID-19 on the legal profession.

GAA letter to Acting DG

30 April 2020

The Gauteng Attorneys Association has published a letter to the Acting Director General about the implementation of the amended regulations and their potential impracticalities for Legal Practitioners.

Life after lockdown

14 May 2020

Getting creative, planning ahead, investing in yourself, going digital, and anticipating the upswing are all part of preparing for life after lockdown for conveyancers and property professionals.

Surviving and thriving

28 May 2020

With his eyes focused on a post-pandemic future, Jack Crook provides guidelines for law firms on how they can create their own roadmap to both cope with the crisis and how to profit from it.

Risk Alert Bulletin - June 2020

18 June 2020

Risk Alert Bulletin 3 of 2020: Amendments to the LPIIF Policies; arguments for a delay in the completion of prescription and expiry periods during lockdown; and keeping proper consultation notes.

Autonomy vs isolation

25 June 2020

Fundile Sangoni considers the nature of the remote workplace under COVID-19 and analyses aspects of the apparent advantages of autonomy as opposed to the risks caused by isolation.
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